Telegram, the widely acclaimed messaging platform, boasting a staggering 800 million monthly active users, has introduced a self-custodial crypto wallet, marking a momentous achievement in its mission to establish a stronghold within the burgeoning cryptocurrency community that has burgeoned around its messaging service. The debut of the TON Space wallet signifies the potential to captivate a broader audience, ushering them into the realm of cryptocurrencies.
The announcement of the TON Space wallet was jointly orchestrated by Telegram and the TON Foundation during the Token2049 crypto conference held in Singapore, an event that drew over 10,000 participants. This development is unfolding at a time when the cryptocurrency community is increasingly acknowledging the paramount importance of self-custodial wallets, which empower users with greater control over their digital assets, in stark contrast to their centralized counterparts.
It’s essential to underscore that the genesis of this wallet was not of Telegram’s own making. The collaborative nature of this announcement underscores the intricate history intertwining Telegram and blockchain technology.
In the year 2020, Telegram relinquished its Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain endeavor following a legal skirmish with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, stemming from an extensive initial coin offering. Subsequently, a consortium of open-source developers and ardent blockchain enthusiasts founded The Open Network Foundation (TON Foundation), a body that currently lends its support to the ongoing development of The Open Network (TON), the blockchain underpinning an expanding array of applications on Telegram, including the freshly unveiled self-custodial wallet.
The TON Space wallet represents the brainchild of a corporate entity known as The Open Platform (TOP), encompassing a dedicated wallet development team and a venture-building division christened TOP Labs. TOP Labs nurtures close collaborations with the TON ecosystem and boasts a diversified portfolio of TON-based applications.
Commencing in November, TON Space will be accessible to Telegram’s global user base, obviating the necessity for wallet registration. This functionality serves as an extension of the existing custodial Telegram wallet, a platform that has already drawn three million registered users into its fold. Presently, the self-custodial wallet excludes specific jurisdictions, most notably the United States, owing to recent regulatory crackdowns on the crypto industry and geo-fencing measures targeting crypto applications.
Fostering a Mini App Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain
TON Space constitutes merely one facet of Telegram’s burgeoning selection of third-party mini applications nested within its platform. Telegram is evolving into what can be aptly described as a “super app,” a concept originally popularized by WeChat. Nevertheless, Telegram’s approach diverges notably from its Chinese counterpart in two key aspects. First and foremost, Telegram has embraced decentralized payments. Secondly, developers are empowered to craft crypto-compatible mini applications by seamlessly integrating with the TON Space wallet, thereby circumventing the need for a centralized solution to be engineered by the messaging platform.
The allure of incorporating a crypto wallet within the Telegram ecosystem lies in its potential to onboard a significant number of users, a substantial portion of whom hail from unbanked regions within developing nations, into the realm of digital assets.
The introduction of a self-custodial wallet empowers developers to adeptly oversee the flow of digital assets within their projects. Andrew Rogozov, CEO of TOP and former CEO of the Russian social networking platform VK, expounded upon this concept in an interview with TechCrunch, stating, “Imagine a private community that mandates an NFT-based key or an entry card, which users can seamlessly receive through their self-custodial wallet.”
Numerous crypto wallets exist independently of the Telegram ecosystem. Rogozov underscored the limitations of these external wallets, such as the inherent complexity associated with wallet creation, which ultimately leads to lackluster adoption rates. Additionally, these external wallets frequently grapple with distribution challenges. To galvanize the adoption of decentralized applications, Telegram is according priority access to TON projects and collaborators via its global advertising platform.
Signal, another encrypted messaging application, also boasts a crypto payments solution developed in partnership with a third-party entity, MobileCoin. Nevertheless, Halil Mirakhmedov, COO of Wallet (the team behind TON Space), posits that these solutions cater to disparate user demographics. He remarked, “[Signal] lacks the platform and community requisite for in-app crypto dialogues, primarily due to its end-to-end encryption framework, which inherently inhibits the creation of a communal environment.”
Disclaimer: This article is intended exclusively for informative purposes and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. The cryptocurrency market is characterized by its dynamic nature, subject to rapid changes. It is strongly recommended that readers conduct their research and seek counsel from financial experts before engaging in any cryptocurrency-related activities.
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