Bollywood’s beloved Govinda finds himself under the scrutiny of the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Odisha police, amidst suspicions of his connection to a cryptocurrency-related multi-level marketing (MLM) scheme. The investigation centers on Govinda’s role in promoting Solar Techno Alliance (STA-Token), a scheme disguising itself as a cryptocurrency venture.
Back in July, the vibrant actor graced Goa with his presence at a promotional event hosted by Solar Techno Alliance (STA-Token). This company is now at the epicenter of an investigation delving into cryptocurrency fraud. Reports suggest that Govinda played a substantial part in the company’s marketing endeavors, appearing prominently in videos and promotional materials to lend his support.
To gain deeper insights into Govinda’s involvement in STA’s extensive promotional campaign, the EOW is contemplating sending a team to Mumbai for a face-to-face conversation with the actor. Deputy Superintendent of Police Sasmita Sahoo has hinted that further investigation will unveil the extent of Govinda’s ties to the alleged cryptocurrency scam, possibly designating him as a witness in the ongoing case.
In response to these allegations, Govinda passionately denied any links to the cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme currently under the Odisha police’s Economic Offences Wing’s scrutiny. Despite his strong denial, the EOW team is making preparations to journey to Mumbai for a comprehensive discussion regarding Govinda’s potential association with the cryptocurrency fraud.
In a recent interview with TOI, Govinda emphasized that he has never engaged in any form of advertising, endorsements, promotions, or public appearances on behalf of any individual or entity. He stressed his impartiality and neutrality in these matters, affirming that he holds no allegiance to any party involved.
This investigation into the alleged cryptocurrency scam comes on the heels of the arrest of Gurtej Singh Sidhu, a 40-year-old resident of Punjab, who was taken into custody by the EOW last month. Authorities uncovered the fraudulent cryptocurrency operation run by STA, which, unlike legitimate cryptocurrencies, relied on recruiting new investors through a multi-level marketing scheme.
Disclaimer: This article is intended solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal or financial advice. The cryptocurrency industry is subject to evolving regulations and potential risks, and readers are strongly encouraged to conduct their own research and seek guidance from legal professionals before making any investment or legal decisions.